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29th Busan International Film Festival, 2-11 October 2024 Press Release

[BIFF Press Release] 2024 Asian Contents & Film Market Open for Registration! 2024-07-18

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Press Release | 2024.07.18

2024 Asian Contents & Film Market Open for Registration!

Asia’s largest content transaction platform, Asian Contents & Film Market (ACFM), will open for registration this year from July 15 (Mon).


Early Bird Registration : July 15 (Mon) - Aug 31 (Sat)

Sales Booth Registration : July 15 (Mon) - Aug 20 (Tues)



Asian Contents & Film Market (ACFM), Asia’s largest comprehensive content market centering around the film and audiovisual industry, will be held for four days starting from Oct 5 (Sat) to Oct 8 (Tues) during the Busan International Film Festival. Professionals from various content sectors such as books, webtoons, web novels, and stories will be able to promote new works and engage in transactions including distribution rights, remakes, and original work copyrights. The market will also host diverse conferences where attendees can stay informed about the latest industry trends.


The ACFM has been growing rapidly year after year, with last year’s event attracting a total of 2,479 participants from 1,660 companies spanning 49 countries. Notably, 271 institutions and companies from 23 countries showcased their booths to promote various contents and facilitate transactions. Moreover, the Asian Project Market (APM), renowned as Asia’s largest film co-production market, and the Busan Story Market (BSM), focusing on story IP, collectively conducted approximately 2,000 meetings, reaffirming the substantial global interest and recognition of Korean and Asian content.


ACFM, which has firmly established itself as a business platform for professionals in the Asian film, audiovisual, and original IP industry, opened for registration for this year’s market badges and sales booths on the official website ( on Jul 15. There will be a 50,000 KRW discount for those who register for the market badge during the early bird period until Aug 31 (Sat). Sales Booths can be registered online and offline until Aug 20 (Tues).


New Changes in ACFM, Programs to Strengthen Networking!


ACFM 2024 introduces fresh changes under the newly appointed ACFM Director Ellen Y.D. Kim and an adjunct faculty member Ally Sunhee Han from International Film Business Academy of the Busan Asian Film School joining this year as a curator. ACFM 2024 aims to strengthen its market curation through conferences on diagnosing and solving the crisis in the contemporary film industry, assessing the current status of innovative technologies, examining their impact on the film industry, and forecasting future trends. It strives not only for quantitative expansion but also for qualitative growth, such as through establishing 'Producers Hub'. Director Ellen Y. D. Kim announced, “ACFM will become the central hub of information, opportunities, and networking where professionals of the Asian film and audiovisual content industry look forward to attending annually.”


2024 Asian Contents & Film Market will be held for four days from Oct 5 (Sat) to Oct 8 (Tues) at Exhibition Hall 2, Busan Exhibition and Convention Center (BEXCO).



The 29th Busan International Film Festival: Oct 2 (Wed) – Oct 11 (Fri)

The 19th Asian Contents & Film Market: Oct 5 (Sat) – Oct 8 (Tues)

This email has been sent to the Busan International Film Festival's official website members and previous participants.
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Suyeonggangbyeon-daero, Haeundae-gu, Busan 48058, Korea
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